Expert Testimony & Complaint Resolution

We provide expert witness testimony services for planning inquiries and hearings working alongside developers, commercial operators and residents' groups.

We also have extensive experience of helping companies accused of causing noise nuisance, working proactively to resolve problems without involving the legal process where possible. Although it is always preferable and less expensive to negotiate disagreements, there are times when consensus is not achievable. In such cases our consultants are experienced in giving evidence in Court and at Planning Hearings / Inquiries, and Patrick Allen is a founding member of the Expert Witness Institute.

Success Stories

J D Wetherspoon pubs – throughout UK

Client: J D Wetherspoon plc
Architects: LBF, RDT, Canvas (and others)
Planning Consultants: Savills, Signet Planning (and Others) 
Barristers: Landmark Chambers

We have enjoyed a long relationship with J D Wetherspoon that started when they only had 3 pubs and continues to this day as they approach 1000.

J D Wetherspoon specialize in converting large and often complicated buildings into pubs, which inevitably results in many complex planning issues. We have advised on the acoustic ramifications of conversions from many interesting old buildings including theatres, cinemas, churches, many of which have been listed. This places great constraints on what can be done to the building fabric…

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Residential Tower – Central London

Client: Thinking Space
Architects: Stiff & Trevillion
Planning Consultants: Savills
Barristers: Landmark Chambers

To carry out an environmental noise assessment and acoustic design of the building envelope for a 16 story residential tower in Central London lying only 7m away from busy rail lines. We also presented expert evidence at the subsequent planning appeal, which was accepted by the Inspector and created important precedents for similar sites.

Hilton Hotel – Central London

Client: BDL Group plc
Architects: Jestico & Whiles

To investigate reported poor sound insulation across the moveable partitions between meeting rooms and conference areas in this new £28m luxury hotel. We carried out insulation tests to identify the source of the problem, which was then rectified by the partition manufacturer before the hotel first opened for business.

Music disturbance from a wedding marquee – Cambridge

Client: Cassalls Hotels

Hotel Felix in Cambridge is very popular as a wedding venue, but the proximity of the marquee to dwellings was resulting in complaints from local residents. This had resulted in the local council serving a noise abatement notice. We negotiated noise targets with the local council and carried out acoustic testing throughout the public entertainment areas…

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Care Home Development – Hertfordshire

Client: Dam Bolin
Architects: RDT Design / Aedifice
Planning Consultants: Pegasus Planning Group

To carry out survey and detailed acoustic design work on a large care home development that was located adjacent to a industrial unit and a busy road. Due to ongoing Council and third-party objections we needed to present evidence at a public hearing before planning permission was granted.

Texaco – Extension to operating hours, Bridgend

Client: Texaco UK
Planning Consultants: Broadway Malyan

We were appointed following the council’s refusal to permit extended opening hours at the site, due to fears regarding noise disturbance to local residents. Following long-term monitoring and computer modeling based on data measured at other Texaco sites, it was possible to demonstrate to the Inspector at appeal that the existing planning condition was unnecessarily restrictive. As a result, extended trading was permitted.

Latest News

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10 Sep 2024

Cass Allen team to reach new heights

Our brave team members Danny Mengel and James Geary are gearing up for an adrenaline-pumping charity skydive

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Company News
04 Sep 2024

Cass Allen continues to grow

The team continues to grow as we welcome our newest members, Olivia Gugic, Finley Arbon-Donovan and Nathan Hyde. 

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Cass Allen share knowledge at guest lectures

Cass Allen share knowledge at guest lectures. We had the pleasure of visiting the University of Derby and Birmingham City University...

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Proudly Introducing…

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Project News
19 Apr 2023

Part of The Battersea Masterplan

We are proud to be assisting with numerous phases of the very exciting and dynamic developments at Battersea Power Station.

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