Summary: Making sense of the language and use of acoustics in the built environment.
We offer interactive CPD seminars and webinars on various topics, these can be tailored to cover acoustic, air quality or overheating issues relevant to your organisation.
Covering all stages of your project, from planning and design through to construction and commissioning, we can provide beneficial, expert advice.
Summary: Making sense of the language and use of acoustics in the built environment.
Summary: How noise fits into the planning/ site acquisition process and how to minimise the risk of refused planning applications.
Summary: Efficient and cost effective construction methods and tips to ensure Building Regulations Part E compliance and maximise the flexibility of your sites. We have seminars specifically relating to Residential, Commercial and Educational developments.
Summary: How to minimise the risk of complaints and delays to construction.
Summary: Discussing the often opposing challenges of controlling noise and thermal gains, including the new Part O Building Regulations.
Summary: Discussing the acoustic design of non-residential and amenity spaces, gyms, screening room etc.
Discussing the phenomenon of tall buildings creaking and how to eliminate potential issues.
Considering air quality and odour during the planning, design, construction and operation phases of your development.
How noise fits into the planning/ site acquisition process and how to minimise the risk of refused planning applications.
Watch nowEfficient and cost effective construction methods and tips to ensure Building Regulations Part E compliance and maximise the flexibility of your sites.
Watch nowEfficient and cost effective construction methods and tips to ensure Building Regulations Part E compliance and maximise the flexibility of your sites.
Watch nowHow to minimise the risk of complaints and delays to construction.
Watch nowDiscussing the often opposing challenges of controlling noise and thermal gains, including the new Part O.
Watch nowHow noise can influence the design of large scale residential, commercial and transport projects and why considering acoustics early can save time and money as well as maximising the flexibility of your site.
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