
Our Services

We can assist with any acoustic, air quality or overheating challenge you might be facing with your site. A selection of services we typically provide is presented below however if what you require is not covered then please contact us and we would be pleased to talk through your specific needs.

Noise in the Planning Process

We have extensive experience in assisting clients with outline and full applications, Environmental Impact Assessments and discharging planning conditions.

Room Reverberation Design

The acoustic design of rooms can play a crucial part in determining the operational effectiveness of spaces such as schools, offices and theatres.

Sound Insulation Design & Testing

We are experienced in the detailed acoustic design required to comply with, or exceed, Part E standards.

Air Quality & Odour

Our Air Quality and Odour division is focused on providing pragmatic and helpful advice during the planning, design and construction phases of your development.


We will assist and guide you through compliance with the new Part O building regulations and any other overheating requirements.

Construction Noise, Vibration & Dust Monitoring

We provide noise, vibration and dust monitoring solutions for large-scale construction sites.