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Summary of UK Parliament Air Quality Research Briefing

A useful summary of the UK Parliament Briefing on Air Quality: policies, proposals and concerns.

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Overheating and Part O Compliance in New Residential Developments – Update

A summary of the impact Part O compliance has had on the design of new residential developments since it came into force in June 2022. An overview of what we have learnt to date.

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Noise and Planning: Top Tips for Securing Planning Approvals

How noise fits into the planning/ site acquisition process and how to minimise the risk of refused planning applications.

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Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill / Clean Air (Human Rights) Bill

Two key new Bills with a focus on environmental protection, which will influence our assessment methodologies and planning submissions, are currently passing through parliament.

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Section 60 & 61 Notices – Construction Noise

Sections 60 and 61 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974 (the Act) deal with the control of noise and ‘prior consent for work’ on construction sites.

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The Acoustics of Facades

Efficient and cost effective construction methods and tips to ensure Building Regulations Part E compliance and maximise the flexibility of your sites.

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